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You who need to believe, to have faith.... I will give some to you, me, of the religion!





Human brothers who such an amount of need mysteries and mysticism,


Marvellous and religious stories, so much need to believe and hope,


It is time to throw your missels, your bibles and your Torahs, your corans and its verses,


The supreme and omnipresent entity which transcends the whole and is part of the whole and part of you


Is there, in front of your eyes and awaits only one sign of you to thank it for having given you the life!






Not, it is not a god about which I speak, but of the goddess from which you come and of which you must take care like you take care of yourself.




This goddess has as a name Gaïa or Gé or Earth.






From which do you come?




Where do you go?


That it is in ashes or corpse you will turn back to the Earth.




As for you who do not have no need for deity to live, you cannot deny that your life depends entirely on the Earth.




It is obvious, the Earth is alive and we live on Earth.


Earth is very powerful and yet sudden our stains.




As long as the Earth will live we are likely all to live....


If the Earth dies,


We will die.




She is a goddess much more demanding than all these unimportant gods who are only the fruit of human imagination and who have influence on the man only by the hand of the priests, imams and other rabbis who claim to hold the truth when they are unable to describe their so-called god.




The Earth, I can describe it to you.


The Earth is beautiful.


The Earth is immense and multiform, it consists of grounds and seas, plains and mountains, beaches and sea-beds, forests and deserts.


It is red, blue, green, white, black, yellow and of so much of other tone and nuances....


Earth is arid here and is soaked there. 


Cold, hot, calm, agitated.




It is alive, its water does not cease going and to come and its entrails bubbling at the rhythms  of its heart of magma which pulsates its blood of lava.




The Earth is not an abstract god who says one day a thing and the following day its opposite by the unmatched voices of his prelates.




The Earth recommends hatred neither the murder nor the flight or the rape.




It patiently gave life to a multitude of beings.




The Earth gives us all that it conceals so that the life remains and develops, Earth is generous and asks in exchange only few care and attentions.






Only here !


The man refuses to see this simple truth. The man refuses his true culpability, his cowardice, his duplicity.


Rather than to take all its care to the Earth and to give him until it waits, he posterns in front of idols or other men which subject it and humiliates it in unworthy postures and sterile penitence.




Instead of taking care of his life, the man shits on his Earth and pollutes it without the least complex, poisoning its air, its water and its grounds to produce goods for which it does not have no need.




When the air will have become unbreathable, saturated with radioactive filths and dioxin scrap, which will occur of the human one?




It will disappear, of its characteristic made, its own cupidity, its own imbecility.




Then, you all which need so much prayers, temples, synagogues, churches, vaults, mosques, mandaroms.... Rather build simple houses of the Earth and join together you to decide on what you will undertake to repair the wrongs that you caused.




You await your governments which they finally decide to act against pollution galopante.... You make indignant rather than nothing is done and than the judicious tops to take measures are only buffooneryand tomfooleries.




Take your destiny and that of your descendants in hand, react if it is still time and by your mass, oblige the pollutants to cease their work of destruction.


The Earth is our goddess and our life, our common good, it does not have there reasons that one lets it be made assassinate by some miserly industrialists and egocentric people. 




Change all, take by storm the cathedrals and made in houses of the Earth, that your prayers are not any more of the pious wishes but acts, acts of safeguard of humanity and protection of all the beings which populate the Earth.




You need the Earth, it can do without you.


If you continue to maltreat it, fear that it does not drown you under floods and tsunamis or that it does not burn you of his blood of lava.




The respect of the Earth, is the respect of yourself.



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  • Hier soir j'ai regardé sur France 3 une émission consacrée à la famille Wildenstein et ses fabuleuses collections d'art, mais cela avait plus à voir avec les gros sous qu'avec les beaux arts !

  • J'ai expliqué, quelque part, la mécanique qui a présidée à l'arnaque officielle de l'art.
    Les combines sont pléthores mais tournent toutes autour d'un investissement de départ.
    Le plus fort dans l'art de l'escroquerie impunie est sans conteste Arnaut qui est propriétaire de Sotheby's.
    Il achète des tableaux à ses neveux et nièces quelques milliers d'euros (valeur réelle 2 ou 300 euros) et les revend plusieurs centaines de milliers d'euros.
    Les acheteurs sont de pauvres types qui achètent sur ouïe-dire sans rien connaître aux techniques ni aux compositions ....

  • Une correspondante me pose ce soir cette question :

    "Je posséde une peinture de Francis Paudras elle est signée
    pourriez vous me dire si cela a de la valeur elle est 1987 ou 1988

    Elle représente une dame dans couchée dans la nature
    je vous en remercie d'avance"

    Est-ce que tu peux la renseigner ?

  • Oui, bien sûr !

    C'est une très belle oeuvre de Paudras, de 1987 1988, la dame en question est Jeanne d'Arc se reposant dans l'herbe après le siège de Bornambusc.
    Lors des dernières enchères à Madras où est né Paudras, le tableau a été estimé à 150 millions d'euros (sans la commission).
    Si elle veut, je peux m'occuper de la transaction, elle me verse dix pour cent en acomptes et hop, le tableau sera vendu foi de moi !

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